Before I went back to college I decided I needed a new handbag as my old one was on it's last legs and it was time for a change. After searching the internet and stores for what seemed like forever I found the perfect bag for me, the Fiorelli tan nikki tote. The bag has three compartments and little pockets on the inside for your phone and all of that good stuff so if you're a little bit of an organisational freak like me then this bag's perfect. I'm not the kinda of person who likes to carry my whole life around with me but on days where I have college a few extra things get popped in like a notebook, external hard drive, student ID and all that good stuff.
I recently bought myself the tan purse from primark for just £5, even though it's cheap I think it was a sort of mulberry look about it and it's beautiful and once again has a lot of different compartments for cash, coins and cards! I know I probably shouldn't do this because of the magnetic waves of whatever it is from the cards, but a lot of the time I actually put my iPhone 6 inside my purse for extra protection and I'm scared it's going to get damaged and it fits perfectly in there. I also have my car and house key on my Cath Kidston key fob which I absolutely love as it makes finding your keys so much easier... and I also have a red pen, because you always need a pen.
Everything else in my bag is pretty much essential (yes, lipgloss is essential!) so I carry around some tissues and the body shop's strawberry anti bacterial hand gel, some chewing gum incase I eat something that's going to make my breath not-so-fresh and some anadin liquifast tablets as I get headaches a lot and I have found that these work the best for me as they get rid of the pain very quickly... and they're easy to swallow and i'm a complete baby when it comes to swallowing tablets! I always like to have a perfume or bodyspray handy in my bag and the perfume that's been in my bag for the past couple of months is the body shop's white musk smokey rose which is perfect because it's really small and the lid is secure and won't fall off, plus it smells beautifully deep and sensual... if that makes any sense?
Why yes, yes I do need two lanolips lip products in my bag as they're my favourite, I have the 101 ointment and the lemonaid lip aid and I would be lost without them. The last two items I have in my bag are Tanya Burr's lipgloss in 'chic' as it's the perfect glossy everyday nude and a mirror to apply said lipgloss!
Am I missing anything 'essential' from my bag? let me know!
Oh my gosh that bag is beautiful. I love Fiorelli so much xxx